I’m so glad we could squeeze in a visit to the Great Wall in between factory visits. Research has revealed not one single tour that forgoes factory visits—jade, cloison, silk and tea. Final result: 90 minutes on wall, 128 minutes in factories.. I don’t need no stinkin’ tours.
And so for my daily 10 Surprises:
1. The territorial emormity of Beijing—the size of Belgium
2.Unpaved side streets outside the center
3. The wall is actually IN Beijing
4. Litchee tea. A marvel.
5.That dinner of fiery szchuan actually irritated my stomach.Who knew?
6.The amazingly high price of jade
7.Cars are limited in Beijing not by odd or even but my excluding certain final digits based upon the day of week.
8.The amazing softness of a blanket stuffed with spun silk. I wish it didn’t cost a month’s pay.
9.People wear surgical masks in the streets.
10. One million yuan is the price of an apartment 100 sq m in the town center